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How to Hire and Manage for Success

SpeedPro studios typically don’t require a large staff to operate. New franchises often open with two or three staff members, aside from you, the owner. No matter the size of your staff, you’ll need reliable employees who are capable of delivering top-quality customer service to keep your studio running.

Regardless of whether you’re managing a staff of two or seven, here are some tips to help you attract the right people to your growing SpeedPro franchise.

Maintain a social media presence

Because SpeedPro is a B2B business, it’s likely that some potentially great candidates have never heard of our brand and what we do. As with just about any business in any industry, social media is one of the best ways to get the word out about products and services you provide. It’s also a great way to introduce people to your company culture and the people who make it happen behind the scenes—you and your staff!

Your social media presence is a valuable tool for sharing open positions. You shouldn’t rely on job boards or search engines alone. The more eyes that see your postings, the more likely you are to attract the right talent for your studio.

Take advantage of ongoing support

With its nationwide presence, SpeedPro provides a strong support system to draw from as a franchisee. You’ll always have access to initial and ongoing support and training to promote the growth of your location. When hiring new employees, take advantage of SpeedPro’s job description templates and use them as a guide to find the right talent for your studio.

You can also leverage the knowledge of other franchisees who’ve been in the same situation as you. Forge relationships with other owners, especially those who are close to your territory. Perhaps these owners have employees that are moving and would like to stay with the company. Maybe they have expert advice on what to look for as you’re hiring. It’s always helpful to network, and other SpeedPro franchisees are eager to help their cohorts succeed. It’s one of the best benefits of investing in our franchise opportunity!

hire and manage a franchise employee team

Delegate responsibilities effectively

It takes a small, tight-knit team to run a SpeedPro studio efficiently and effectively. Your small staff will support your operations by doing the things you simply can’t do by yourself. This means you need to be able to delegate everyday tasks to your staff in an effective way. Successfully delegating responsibilities will take some of the burden of daily operations off your shoulders while providing employees with a greater sense of importance.

Strategic delegation is a great way to make employees feel as though they have a personal stake in the success of your operation. This can help you develop loyalty from your staff and create a winning team-based environment that raises everyone up while contributing to your bottom line.

You simply can’t go it alone if you want to be successful in the large-format printing industry. SpeedPro offers franchisees an abundance of resources, including ongoing training and support. But, you need a competent and dedicated staff to ensure that clients get the excellent customer service they deserve. Your team and that you have the flexibility you need to adapt to rapid changes in the industry.

Although you’ll start with a small team, you have the freedom to hire more staff and grow as you continue to bring on new clients. One of the key advantages of SpeedPro ownership is scalability. With a dedicated team, you can successfully achieve growth at a pace that you’re comfortable with. Contact us today to learn more about franchising with SpeedPro.